Answer: novel. Wow, that was much easier than imagined. That is, if you’re writing to get published. Why so? I hear you ask. Well, I’m a fiction writer not a business analyst but there’s this thing called the internet and it will give you the answer quicker than you can say googolplex. Just as most new businesses fail, as in, only twenty-five per cent make it to fifteen years or more, so the mantra goes that most novels don’t make a profit. On the same internet, you’ll discover this other thing called the Pareto principle. Long story short: only a small percentage of published books make all the money and enough of it to bankroll the other losses.
To read full article published on click link.
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"Because, I knew in advance all that stuff about publishing and still sought publication. And there isn’t a genuine writer on this planet who isn’t seeking publication. Even Kafka was playing games. Well, if you care deeply enough not to care, then there’s only two things that matter: write what the hell you like, and, write it for public consumption."
Once again, you've captured the tension I live in, Adrian. Great thoughts here and glad to see you keep swinging!